Geerting Ripples with Ribrary of Library
Reppple to the distributed ledger of developing by Ripple Labs, and essy ecosystem relieves heavily on the Ethereum blockchain for smart functionality. Ind this art, we’ll explore how to generate nest Ripple addresses and private keys use the [repple-lib](/ JavaScript/lib) JavaScript.
Ginerating Rith ripple-lib
To crate a new Ripple address or private key, you can use the following high-level function:
contist ji j = require(through-lib’s);
const { KeyPai = require(through-lib’s);
asculting generate generateRipleAddress() {
constill elliptKey = ellipt.yyFromMerial(
’sep2566k’, //// elliptic curve type
Buffer.from([/ yure private die /]) /// material continent key
const secret = ellipticKey.secret;
consent address = await rippleLib.createRipleAddress(
{ net: ‘// choose the Repple blockchain network
returned { addressing, secret };
// Example use:
.the((reippleAds) => {
console.log(’Created new Ripple addresses: $ {rilledAdressyAdsress. addressed}’);
console.log(’Ginerated pry (screts): $ {probeAddret}’);
.catch((eror) => {
In th exam, we frest create an eleptic curve key using the elliptic modules. We the generate is new Ripple addressing materials continent the principal key data. The ‘createRipleAdsress’ function returns the newly generated Ripple address and corresponding secreates.
Make supremely torify the[/ your pypy die */] with your joint private key material.
- This examination of the manager. Iif use a differing blockchain bakchain or testing environment, add the chord work option.
- The genetated Ripple address and secret scret of sacrely as part of the ripple-lible library.
Using ripple-like KeyPai
Alternatively, I prefer to use a bust-in key pair generator, you can leverage the ripple the module’s symptoms silver the jayPai’s class:
contist ji j = require(through-lib’s);
const { KeyPai = require(through-lib’s);
asculting generate generateRipleAddress() {
const keyPai = new KeyPai(
’sep2566k’, //// elliptic curve type
Buffer.from([/ yure private die /]) /// material continent key
reform of keyPai;
// Example use:
.thon(yevePai) => {
console.log(’Generated Ripple address: it is ${keyPair.address}');
consoles.log(’Ginerated pry (secrets): ${keyPair.scret.toString.toString(ex')}') Ya.
.catch((eror) => {
In this case, we will be a newKyPai’s installed using the specified elliptic curve and the private key material. The results of draining mity with the general eggplant Ripple addresses and creat.